With the recession of 2008 and the pandemic of 2020 many Americans have had to use their savings and 401k to survive the economic instability. This has become a matter of fact for many baby boomers
I am one of those boomers that first, never thought I would make it to retirement; after all my father passed at an early age as did most of the men in my family, so why bother. Second, it seemed that there was never enough money to go around and we were always taking from Peter to pay Paul. Saving for the future was not a priority.
Hi! Let me introduce myself; my name is Walter Smith. Now that I’m a bit older I have started wondering what it would be like to be able to retire. After all, I have started taking better care of myself, I walk most days, I try to watch what I eat; I dropped 25 pounds in the past year and a half. It has become a dream, strike that, a goal of mine to be able to retire. To be able to travel somewhere where I do not have to watch a clock or even a calendar because I have a job to report to.
So this is where I started researching how I would be able to leave the day to day grind and remain self-sufficient. How much would I receive through Social Security, would I be able to earn money from a side hustle or maybe a part-time job? What would my options be?

I then realized that if I had these thoughts there must be others in the same boat, a boat that may have a small leak, not big enough to sink but enough to be concerned about. Enough money to survive but not enough to complete those bucket list items we had been wanting to do over the years. Maybe I could share the information I find and help someone who was looking for the same thing or possibly someone that didn’t think about it at all.
Join me on my journey to live the best life we can in our later years. Whether we want to believe it or not, we’re all in this together.
To a better life,